Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day 2012

Mother of 4!  I can sometime hardly believe it.  If I weren't actually living it, I would find it utterly hard to believe.  I can honestly say that I have chosen the best career in the entire universe.  The pay is amazing.  I may sometimes be exhausted, worn out, and feel completely under appreciated, but the dividends are so rewarding and the love I receive in return is absolutely priceless.  I received waffles, strawberries and whip cream in bed this morning. Then my kids and hubby made a delicious dinner for me, while babes and I took a long nap in my bed.  It was sheer heaven. I didn't cook a thing today, didn't clean a dish.  Gloria and Hallelujah!!  I feel enraptured and blissful.  Is my life perfect? Nope.  Do I still have my struggles?  You bet!  But each day I have to stop and count my blessings, sometime even listing them off one by one in prayer, and I am overwhelmed by the love that my Father in Heaven has for me.  His goodness and mercy are incalculable and I wonder what in this life I have done to deserve His richest blessings.  But I will cease trying to figure that out, and just serve these 4 little people to the best of my ability.  Happy Mothers Day!!